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What we do:
​We design and build a new category of products that mitigate infection risk from respiratory pathogens. We call this category of products "Personal-Space Protective Equipment"(PSPE).
PSPE differs from PPE(Personal Protective Equipment) fundamentally by extending protection from beyond the immediate surface of the body further outwards into the personal space surrounding the body.
PSPE is adapted from a technology proven in surgical operating rooms to reduce infection risk. This old technology is called HEPA filtered laminar-air flow. We call our adapted technological implementation of HEPA filtered laminar airflow StreamingAir Cocoon. 
We design and build furniture incorporating StreamingAir Cocoon. Our first product is a speakers podium.
Why we developed PSPE:
We developed PSPE to overcoming the inadequacies of PPE and room scale air-purifiers and HVAC to mitigate respiratory infections such as Covid.
PPE such as masks, face shields, and powered air respirators impede clear communication and psychological needs for autonomy and identity. Masks and face shields do not protect well from aerosol transmission. All PPE are uncomfortable and create social distancing, and interfere with normal activities such as eating and dining.
Room scale air-purifiers and HVAC systems act too slowly to interrupt transmission of infection effectively.
Whereas, StreamingAir Cocoon acts effectively in seconds, and permits a higher degree of normal social interaction and communication by eliminating physical barriers.

Comparison of Laminar Air Flow versus Convective Air Flow (click to start)

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